Friday 3 April 2009


BBFC stands for the British Board of Film Classification, and have classified films since it was set up in 1912. As many people know each film has a different certificate, there are 8 in total.

UC/U - its hard to predict what could upset children within the pre-school age, it has all of the necessary restraints, mild sex e.g kissing, no violence, illegal drug use, unless they give a positive message.

PG - It is up to the parent of the children weather they should watch the film or not. A PG film should not upset a child aged 8 or above, but it is the parents decision weather they should watch it as the content may upset younger sensitive children. Only to feature mild bad language, natural nudity, discreet sex, and moderate violence.

12A - Nobody under the age of 12 can see a 12A film unless accompanied by an adult.

12 - Mature themes are acceptable, but must be suitable for young teenagers. The language can be fairly bad, e.g the use of the word ' fuck ' or ' shit ' may be used infrequently. Nudity is allowed, but very discreetly in terms of sexual context.

15 - No theme is prohibited, however the material must be suitable for 15 year olds. fairly big difference from the 12 certified films, strong language is frequently allowed to be used, e.g 'fuck' but the strongest of terms such as 'cunt' may be used when justified by the context. Excessive use of strong language us most likely unacceptable. Nudity and sex are to be portrayed without strong detail. Violence is acceptable but cannot dwell on pain or injury, threat and menace are allowed but images of bloody/gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. The use of drugs is permitted but must not encourage drug use, or drug misuse.

18 - Suitable for only adults. Sex is allowed to be shown fully for short periods of time, however the explicit detail needs to be kept at a minimum to illustrate the educational and instructional points being made. Material viewed by the board that may encourage or influence the public to copy or do something similar to the film, will be intervened with and will be either cut out, or minimized the content.

18R - To be shown in only specially licensed cinemas or in licensed sex shops and to be sold to only those of 18 years and over. These 18R rated movies are not allowed to be delivered by mail. Most people think that 18R rated movies have no limit to the content used. These are a just a couple of examples of things that are not allowed to be show.
Any material that is in the breach of the criminal law, Obscene Publications Act 1959.
material likely to inspire the audience to develop an interest in sexually abusive acts, such as pedophilia, rape or incest.

The Exorcist - The Exorcist has been certified 18 without cuts by the BBFC. It was originally given an X certificate in 1974 and has been shown often since then. However incidents of hysteria involving young women led to the concern that the film could cause serious emotional problems for those who believe in, or have experienced demonic possession. It was the BBFC's concern in the 1980's and 1990's, that even a 18 certified film, the possibility of children accessing the film can't be excluded. The bbfc concluded that despite the spine chilling moments in the film, it no longer has the same impact as it did back then. Also the technology and special effects have moved along since then, therefore modern day films are much more likely to be scarier in comparison to the exorcist.

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